Testing minFraud in the MaxMind Sandbox

MaxMind maintains a Sandbox environment so that you can do basic integration tests with the web services. In order to set up a Sandbox account you must already have a paid account, and you must be an account administrator. Learn how to set up a Sandbox account on our Knowledge Base.

Once you have your Sandbox account set up and activated, follow the steps below.

Generate a License Key for the Sandbox

In order to test the web services in the Sandbox environment, you will need to generate a license key from your Sandbox account. Learn how to generate a license key on our Knowledge Base.

The process is the same for your Sandbox account, but you must login to your Sandbox account [direct link, Sandbox account login required] rather than your regular MaxMind account.

Build your integration

Consult our quick start guide or our list of client APIs to develop your integration.

Point your integration to the Sandbox service endpoints

Use the service endpoints for the Sandbox version of the web services, as listed in the table below:

Sandbox ServiceHTTP MethodEndpoint

Remember to use the license key generated by your Sandbox account to authenticate your requests.

Test data for the Sandbox minFraud service

The Sandbox will return risk scores and risk data, but this data is not accurate and should not be used to evaluate the efficacy of the minFraud scoring engine, or for geolocation or IP intelligence. It is designed for testing purposes only.

You may only submit approved test data to the Sandbox version of the minFraud services. At this time, the only approved test transaction data are the three IP addresses listed below. You can submit transactions to Sandbox minFraud services with any of the following IP addresses as the /device/ip_address input. You should receive a minFraud response with risk scores. The IP risk score output (/ip_address/risk) will contain a response within the range defined below:

Test IP Address InputTest IP Risk Score Output Range - 99 - 39.99 - 4.99

Please note that the Sandbox environment may not return all the risk data that the minFraud service would return, and the risk scores and risk data it does return will not be accurate. The Sandbox environment should be used for basic integration testing, to confirm that you are passing inputs in a valid format and that you are able to process the basic format of minFraud responses.

Learn more on our Knowledge Base about the kinds of outputs you can expect to receive from real minFraud transactions.

You should not submit real transaction data to the Sandbox version of the minFraud services, but you can submit transactions with dummy data.

Test Legacy versions of minFraud using the Sandbox

If you are a minFraud Legacy user, you can test Legacy versions of the minFraud services your Sandbox account.

Learn how to test with different versions of the minFraud service.

The Sandbox environment imposes volume limits on API requests to prevent abuse. The Sandbox should not be used to test the capacity of the production web service in high volume situations.

If you are running into the request limit and need help, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

This page was last updated on July 26, 2024.