minFraud Release Notes - 2017 Archive

Anonymizer types added to minFraud Insights and Factors

November 24, 2017

minFraud Insights and Factors services now include anonymizer-type outputs. These outputs are:

  • /ip_address/traits/is_anonymous – whether the IP address belongs to any sort of anonymous network.
  • /ip_address/traits/is_anonymous_vpn – whether the IP address belongs to an anonymous VPN system.
  • /ip_address/traits/is_hosting_provider – whether the IP address belongs to a hosting provider.
  • /ip_address/traits/is_public_proxy – whether the IP address belongs to a public proxy.
  • /ip_address/traits/is_tor_exit_node – whether the IP address is a Tor exit node.

As these are included via GeoIP2 Insights, please see our GeoIP2 Web Services documentation for more information.

Dispositions API released

July 24, 2017

We have added a Dispositions API for use with Disposition setting from the Transaction Details page. Use this new API to integrate with your order management system, payment processor, or other internal system so that manual review decisions made in the MaxMind account portal are available within your own systems. More information Here.

Mapping more mobile networks to regional level

July 24, 2017

We will be mapping additional mobile (cellular) networks to a region (subdivision) rather than city level. This change will only occur where the confidence in the city data is low due to the mobile provider allocating IPs over a wide area.

New minFraud Input and Output parameters

July 13, 2017

We have added three new parameters to minFraud Score, Insights and Factors: Input Parameters: /device/session_id, /device/session_age. Output Parameter: /email/first_seen.

This page was last updated on July 26, 2024.