minFraud API Responses


The Content-Type for a successful response varies based on the service as outlined below:

Score`application/vnd.maxmind.com-minfraud-score+json; charset=UTF-8; version=2.0`
Insights`application/vnd.maxmind.com-minfraud-insights+json; charset=UTF-8; version=2.0`
Factors`application/vnd.maxmind.com-minfraud-factors+json; charset=UTF-8; version=2.0`

Errors may be returned with the Content-Type set to application/vnd.maxmind.com-error+json; charset=UTF-8; version=2.0. If this is the case, then the body of the response contains a JSON document with two keys, code and error. See the Errors section for more details.

A Content-Length header will be provided.


When the server returns an error (4xx or 5xx), the response may include a JSON document in the body. This document is a single object with the keys code and error. The code field is a static error code for machine use. The value of any given code will never change, though codes can be added or removed. The error field is a human-readable description of the error and may change at any time.

Not all errors include a JSON body. An error in content negotiation will not include a body, nor will many 5xx errors, which typically happen outside of our web service request handling code. You should check the Content-Type type of an error response before attempting to decode the body as JSON.

In addition to the errors documented below, client code should also be prepared to handle any valid HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code.

CodeHTTP StatusDescription
JSON_INVALID400 Bad RequestWe cannot decode the body as a JSON object.
REQUEST_INVALID400 Bad RequestThe request body is valid JSON but contains no valid input values.
AUTHORIZATION_INVALID401 UnauthorizedYou have supplied an invalid MaxMind account ID and/or license key in the Authorization header.
LICENSE_KEY_REQUIRED401 UnauthorizedYou have not supplied a MaxMind license key in the Authorization header.
ACCOUNT_ID_REQUIRED401 UnauthorizedYou have not supplied a MaxMind account ID in the Authorization header.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS402 Payment RequiredThe license key you have provided does not have sufficient funds to use this service. Please purchase more service credits.
PERMISSION_REQUIRED403 ForbiddenYou do not have permission to use the service. Please contact our support team for more information.
(none)403 ForbiddenThis status is returned when the request body is larger than 20,000 bytes.
(none)415 Unsupported Media TypeYour request included a Content-Type header that is not supported. For GET requests, this means the web service cannot return content of that type. For PUT and POST queries, this means the web service cannot parse a request body of that type.
(none)503 Service Not AvailableThere is a problem with the web service server. You can try this request again later.

Response Body

All services return data as a JSON document. The document that is returned always consists of an object (aka map or hash).

Keys with undefined or empty values will not be included in the returned document.

The data returned in the document will be in UTF-8 encoding.

Note that a given key and value may be omitted from the response entirely if there is no relevant information to include. For example, if you do not pass any information about the credit card in your request, then the response will not contain a credit_card key or value.

For full examples of response bodies, select one of the following:

Top-Level Fields

 2  "id": "5bc5d6c2-b2c8-40af-87f4-6d61af86b6ae",
 3  "risk_score": 0.01,
 4  "funds_remaining": 25,
 5  "queries_remaining": 5000,
 6  "ip_address": {...},
 7  "credit_card": {...},
 8  "device": {...},
 9  "email": {...},
10  "shipping_address": {...},
11  "shipping_phone": {...},
12  "billing_address": {...},
13  "billing_phone": {...},
14  "disposition": {...},
15  "risk_score_reasons": [...],
16  "warnings": [...]
KeyValue TypeDescription
This is the minFraud ID, a UUID that identifies the minFraud response. Use this ID to search your minFraud logs or when making support requests to MaxMind.

format: UUID

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field contains the overall risk score, from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk of fraud. For example, a score of 20 indicates a 20% chance that a transaction is fraudulent. We never return a risk score of 0, since all transactions have the possibility of being fraudulent. Likewise we never return a risk score of 100.

Learn more about the overall risk score on our Knowledge Base.

min: 0.01, max: 99

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
The approximate US dollar value of the funds remaining on your MaxMind account.

min: 0

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
The approximate number of queries remaining for the service before your account runs out of funds.

min: 0

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
The approximate number of queries remaining for the service before your account runs out of funds.

min: 0

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains IP intelligence data. See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains information related to the credit card. See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains information about the device that MaxMind believes is associated with the IP address passed in the request. See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains email intelligence data. See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains information related to the shipping address See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains information related to the shipping phone number See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains information related to the billing address See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains information related to the billing phone number See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains information about how a request was handled by the custom rules that you have defined. See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This array contains risk score reason objects. See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This array contains warning objects detailing issues with the request that was sent, such as invalid or unknown inputs. See more.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

IP Address

For minFraud Score, this object only contains the risk for the IP address. For minFraud Insights and Factors, the object is the GeoIP2 Insights response body with four modifications:

  1. risk has been added directly to the ip_address object
  2. local_time has been added to the location sub-object
  3. The maxmind object is not present. See below for descriptions.
  4. minFraud Insights and Factors return the following anonymous IP outputs:
    • is_anonymous
    • is_anonymous_vpn
    • is_hosting_provider
    • is_public_proxy
    • is_residential_proxy
    • is_tor_exit_node

See the GeoIP2 Insights response body for more information.

  2  "risk": 0.01,
  3  "city": {
  4    "confidence": 25,
  5    "geoname_id": 54321,
  6    "names": {
  7      "de": "Los Angeles",
  8      "en": "Los Angeles",
  9      "es": "Los Ángeles",
 10      "fr": "Los Angeles",
 11      "ja": "ロサンゼルス市",
 12      "pt-BR": "Los Angeles",
 13      "ru": "Лос-Анджелес",
 14      "zh-CN": "洛杉矶"
 15    }
 16  },
 17  "continent": {
 18    "code": "NA",
 19    "geoname_id": 123456,
 20    "names": {
 21      "de": "Nordamerika",
 22      "en": "North America",
 23      "es": "América del Norte",
 24      "fr": "Amérique du Nord",
 25      "ja": "北アメリカ",
 26      "pt-BR": "América do Norte",
 27      "ru": "Северная Америка",
 28      "zh-CN": "北美洲"
 29    }
 30  },
 31  "country": {
 32    "confidence": 75,
 33    "geoname_id": 6252001,
 34    "is_in_european_union": true,
 35    "iso_code": "US",
 36    "names": {
 37      "de": "USA",
 38      "en": "United States",
 39      "es": "Estados Unidos",
 40      "fr": "États-Unis",
 41      "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 42      "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 43      "ru": "США",
 44      "zh-CN": "美国"
 45    }
 46  },
 47  "location": {
 48    "accuracy_radius": 20,
 49    "average_income": 50321,
 50    "latitude": 37.6293,
 51    "local_time": "2015-04-26T01:37:17-08:00",
 52    "longitude": -122.1163,
 53    "metro_code": 807,
 54    "population_density": 7122,
 55    "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles"
 56  },
 57  "postal": {
 58    "code": "90001",
 59    "confidence": 10
 60  },
 61  "registered_country": {
 62    "geoname_id": 6252001,
 63    "is_in_european_union": true,
 64    "iso_code": "US",
 65    "names": {
 66      "de": "USA",
 67      "en": "United States",
 68      "es": "Estados Unidos",
 69      "fr": "États-Unis",
 70      "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 71      "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 72      "ru": "США",
 73      "zh-CN": "美国"
 74    }
 75  },
 76  "represented_country": {
 77    "geoname_id": 6252001,
 78    "is_in_european_union": true,
 79    "iso_code": "US",
 80    "names": {
 81      "de": "USA",
 82      "en": "United States",
 83      "es": "Estados Unidos",
 84      "fr": "États-Unis",
 85      "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 86      "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 87      "ru": "США",
 88      "zh-CN": "美国"
 89    },
 90    "type": "military"
 91  },
 92  "risk_reasons": [
 93    {
 94      "code": "ANONYMOUS_IP",
 95      "reason": "The IP address belongs to an anonymous network. See /ip_address/traits for more details."
 96    },
 97    {
 99      "reason": "Suspicious activity has been seen on this IP address across minFraud customers."
100    }
101  ],
102  "subdivisions": [
103    {
104      "confidence": 50,
105      "geoname_id": 5332921,
106      "iso_code": "CA",
107      "names": {
108        "de": "Kalifornien",
109        "en": "California",
110        "es": "California",
111        "fr": "Californie",
112        "ja": "カリフォルニア",
113        "ru": "Калифорния",
114        "zh-CN": "加州"
115      }
116    }
117  ],
118  "traits": {
119    "autonomous_system_number": 1239,
120    "autonomous_system_organization": "Linkem IR WiMax Network",
121    "connection_type": "Cable/DSL",
122    "domain": "example.com",
123    "ip_address": "",
124    "is_anonymous": true,
125    "is_anonymous_proxy": true,
126    "is_anonymous_vpn": true,
127    "is_anycast": true,
128    "is_hosting_provider": true,
129    "is_public_proxy": true,
130    "is_residential_proxy": true,
131    "is_satellite_provider": true,
132    "is_tor_exit_node": true,
133    "isp": "Linkem spa",
134    "mobile_country_code": "310",
135    "mobile_network_code": "004",
136    "network": "",
137    "organization": "Linkem IR WiMax Network",
138    "static_ip_score": 1.5,
139    "user_count": 1,
140    "user_type": "traveler"
141  }
KeyValue TypeDescription

This field contains the risk associated with the IP address. The value ranges from 0.01 to 99. A higher score indicates a higher risk.

Learn more about the IP risk score on our Knowledge Base.

min: 0.01, max: 99

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains country-level geolocation data associated with the IP address associated with the event.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This object contains city-level geolocation data associated with the IP address associated with the event.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This array contains IP Address Risk Reason objects identifying the reasons why the IP address received the associated risk.

Learn how to use IP risk reasons for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

IP Address > Country

This object contains country-level geolocation data associated with the IP address associated with the event

See the GeoIP2 Insights response body for more information.

 2  "confidence": 75,
 3  "geoname_id": 6252001,
 4  "is_in_european_union": true,
 5  "iso_code": "US",
 6  "names": {
 7    "de": "USA",
 8    "en": "United States",
 9    "es": "Estados Unidos",
10    "fr": "États-Unis",
11    "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
12    "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
13    "ru": "США",
14    "zh-CN": "美国"
15  }

IP Address > Location

This object contains city-level geolocation data associated with the IP address associated with the event.

See the GeoIP2 Insights response body for more information.

 2  "accuracy_radius": 20,
 3  "average_income": 50321,
 4  "latitude": 37.6293,
 5  "local_time": "2015-04-26T01:37:17-08:00",
 6  "longitude": -122.1163,
 7  "metro_code": 807,
 8  "population_density": 7122,
 9  "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles"
KeyValue TypeDescription
The date and time of the transaction in the time zone associated with the IP address. The value is formatted according to RFC 3339. For instance, the local time in Boston might be returned as2015-04-27T19:17:24-04:00.

max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

IP Address > Risk Reasons

This array contains IP Address Risk Reason objects identifying the reasons why the IP address received the associated risk.

 2  {
 3    "code": "ANONYMOUS_IP",
 4    "reason": "The IP address belongs to an anonymous network. See /ip_address/traits for more details."
 5  },
 6  {
 8    "reason": "Suspicious activity has been seen on this IP address across minFraud customers."
 9  }
KeyValue TypeDescription

This value is a machine-readable code identifying the reason. Although more codes may be added in the future, the current codes are:

ANONYMOUS_IPThe IP address belongs to an anonymous network. See the object at/ip_address/traits for more details.
BILLING_POSTAL_VELOCITYMany different billing postal codes have been seen on this IP address.
EMAIL_VELOCITYMany different email addresses have been seen on this IP address.
HIGH_RISK_DEVICEA high risk device was seen on this IP address.
HIGH_RISK_EMAILA high risk email address was seen on this IP address in your past transactions.
ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_VELOCITYMany different issuer ID numbers have been seen on this IP address.
MINFRAUD_NETWORK_ACTIVITYSuspicious activity has been seen on this IP address across minFraud customers.

Learn how to use IP risk reasons for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

format: enum, max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field provides an explanation of the reason, as seen in the table above. The explanation text may change at any time and should not be matched against.

Learn how to use IP risk reasons for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Credit Card

This object contains minFraud information related to the credit card. If an issuer ID number (IIN) was not provided in the request, this object will not be present in the response.

 2  "brand": "Visa",
 3  "country": "US",
 4  "is_business": true,
 5  "is_issued_in_billing_address_country": true,
 6  "is_prepaid": true,
 7  "is_virtual": true,
 8  "issuer": {
 9    "matches_provided_name": true,
10    "matches_provided_phone_number": true,
11    "name": "Bank of America",
12    "phone_number": "800-732-9194"
13  },
14  "type": "credit"
KeyValue TypeDescription
This field contains a JSON object with information relating to the credit card issuer.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The card brand, such as “Visa”, “Discover”, “American Express”, etc.

Learn how to use the credit card brand data for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The two letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code associated with the location of the majority of customers using this credit card as determined by their billing address. In cases where the location of customers is highly mixed, this defaults to the country of the bank issuing the card.

Learn how to use the credit card country data for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

max length: 2

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This field is true if the issuer ID number is for a business card. It isfalse if the issuer ID number is for for a non-business card. The key is only present when a valid issuer ID number has been provided.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if the country of the billing address matches the country of the majority of customers using that IIN. It is false if both countries are available but do not match. If one or both of the countries are missing, the key will not be present. In cases where the location of customers is highly mixed, the match is to the country of the bank issuing the card.

Learn how to use the billing address to credit card country matching for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if the issuer ID number is for a prepaid card. It isfalse if the issuer ID number is for for a non-prepaid card. The key is only present when a valid issuer ID number has been provided.

Learn how to use prepaid card detection for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if the issuer ID number is for a virtual card. It isfalse if the issuer ID number is for a non-virtual card. The key is only present when a valid issuer ID number has been provided.

Learn how to use virtual card detection for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The card’s type. The valid values are:

  • charge – See Wikipedia for an explanation of the difference between charge and credit cards.
  • credit
  • debit

format: enum

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Credit Card > Issuer

This is a sub-object of credit_card that contains information related to the issuer of the card.

2  "matches_provided_name": true,
3  "matches_provided_phone_number": true,
4  "name": "Bank of America",
5  "phone_number": "800-732-9194"
KeyValue TypeDescription

This field contains a JSON object with information relating to the credit card issuer.

Learn how to use the credit card issuer name for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This field is true if the name matches the name provided in the request for the card issuer. It is false if the name does not match. The field is not included if either no name or issuer ID number (IIN) is provided in the request or if MaxMind does not have a name associated with the IIN.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
The phone number of the bank which issued the credit card. In some cases the phone number we return may be out of date.

max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This field is true if the phone number matches the number provided in the request for the card issuer. It is false if the number does not match. The field is not included if either no phone number or issuer ID number (IIN) is provided in the request or if MaxMind does not have a phone number associated with the IIN.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors


This object contains information about the device that MaxMind believes is associated with the IP address passed in the request.

2  "confidence": 99,
3  "id": "7835b099-d385-4e5b-969e-7df26181d73b",
4  "last_seen": "2016-06-08T14:16:38Z",
5  "local_time": "2018-01-02T10:40:11-08:00"
KeyValue TypeDescription

A number from 0.01 to 99 representing the confidence that the /device/idrefers to a unique device as opposed to a cluster of similar devices. A confidence of 0.01 indicates very low confidence that the device is unique, whereas 99 indicates very high confidence.

Learn how to use device confidence for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

min: 0.01, max: 99

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
A UUID that MaxMind uses for the device associated with this IP address. This is only available if you are using the Device Tracking Add-on.

format: UUID

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The date and time of the last sighting of the device. The value is formatted according to RFC 3339.

Learn how to use the last sighting data for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The local date and time of the transaction in the time zone of the device. This is determined by using the UTC offset associated with the device. The value is formatted according to RFC 3339.

Learn how to use local time data for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors


2  "domain": {
3    "first_seen": "2015-01-20"
4  },
5  "first_seen": "2016-02-03",
6  "is_disposable": false,
7  "is_free": false,
8  "is_high_risk": true
KeyValue TypeDescription
This field contains a JSON object with information relating to the domain.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

A date string (e.g. 2017-04-24) to identify the date an email address was first seen by MaxMind. This is expressed using the ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD. The earliest date that may be returned is January 1, 2008.

Learn how to use email first seen data for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

format: YYYY-MM-DD, max length: 10

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if MaxMind believes that the email address is from a disposable email provider. It is false if the address is not from a known disposable email provider. The key will only be present if a valid email address or email domain is provided.

Learn how to use disposable email detection for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if MaxMind believes that this email domain is for a free email provider such as Gmail or Yahoo! Mail. It is false if the domain is not for a known free email provider. The key will only be present if a valid email address or email domain is provided.

Learn how to use free email detection for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if MaxMind believes that this email address is likely to be used for fraud. It is false if MaxMind does not believe the address is used for fraud. The key will only be present if a valid email address or email address hash is provided. Note that this is also factored into the overall risk_score in the response as well.

Learn how to use our high risk email flag for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Email > Domain

This is a sub-object of email that contains information related to the domain.

2  "first_seen": "2015-01-20"
KeyValue TypeDescription

A date string (e.g. 2019-01-01) to identify the date an email address domain was first seen by MaxMind. This is expressed using the ISO 8601 date format YYYY-MM-DD. The earliest date that may be returned is January 1, 2019.

Learn how to use email first seen data for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

format: YYYY-MM-DD, max length: 10

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Shipping Address

2  "distance_to_billing_address": 22,
3  "distance_to_ip_location": 15,
4  "is_high_risk": true,
5  "is_in_ip_country": true,
6  "is_postal_in_city": true,
7  "latitude": 37.632,
8  "longitude": -122.313
KeyValue TypeDescription

This field is true if the shipping address is an address associated with fraudulent transactions. The field is false when the address is not associated with increased risk. The key will only be present when a shipping address is provided.

Learn more about the flag for high risk shipping addresses on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if the postal code provided with the address is in the city for the address. The field is false when the postal code is not in the city. The key will only be present when a billing postal code, city, and country have been provided.

We use GeoNames data for the postal-city match, which uses the preferred place name for a US ZIP code. Alternative place names for US ZIP codes may not trigger a match for this field.

Learn how to use the postal to city check for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The approximate WGS84 latitude associated with the address.

Latitude and longitude are not precise and should not be used to identify a particular street address or household.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The approximate WGS84 longitude associated with the address.

Latitude and longitude are not precise and should not be used to identify a particular street address or household.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The distance in kilometers from the address to the IP location. We fall back to country or subdivision information if we do not have postal or city information for an IP address, which may lead to inaccurate distance calculations.

Learn how to use the IP geolocation to address distance for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The distance in kilometers from the shipping address to billing address. We fall back to country or subdivision information if we do not have postal or city information for an IP address, which may lead to inaccurate distance calculations.

Learn how to use the shipping to billing address distance for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if the address is in the IP country. The field isfalse when the address is not in the IP country. If the IP address could not be geolocated or no billing address was provided, the field will not be included in the response.

Learn how to use the IP location to country check for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Shipping Phone

2  "country": "CA",
3  "is_voip": true,
4  "network_operator": "Telus Mobility-SVR/2",
5  "number_type": "mobile"
KeyValue TypeDescription
A two-character ISO 3166-1 country code for the country associated with the shipping phone number.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
The name of the original network operator associated with the shipping phone number. This field does not reflect phone numbers that have been ported from the original operator to another, nor does it identify mobile virtual network operators.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
One of the following values: fixed or mobile. Additional values may be added in the future.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This is true if the shipping phone number is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) number allocated by a regulator. It is false if the shipping phone number is not a VoIP number allocated by a regulator. The key is only present when a valid shipping phone number has been provided and we have data for it.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Billing Address

2  "distance_to_ip_location": 100,
3  "is_in_ip_country": true,
4  "is_postal_in_city": true,
5  "latitude": 37.545,
6  "longitude": -122.421
KeyValue TypeDescription

This field is true if the postal code provided with the address is in the city for the address. The field is false when the postal code is not in the city. The key will only be present when a billing postal code, city, and country have been provided.

We use GeoNames data for the postal-city match, which uses the preferred place name for a US ZIP code. Alternative place names for US ZIP codes may not trigger a match for this field.

Learn how to use the postal to city check for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The approximate WGS84 latitude associated with the address.

Latitude and longitude are not precise and should not be used to identify a particular street address or household.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The approximate WGS84 longitude associated with the address.

Latitude and longitude are not precise and should not be used to identify a particular street address or household.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The distance in kilometers from the address to the IP location. We fall back to country or subdivision information if we do not have postal or city information for an IP address, which may lead to inaccurate distance calculations.

Learn how to use the IP geolocation to address distance for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This field is true if the address is in the IP country. The field isfalse when the address is not in the IP country. If the IP address could not be geolocated or no billing address was provided, the field will not be included in the response.

Learn how to use the IP location to country check for risk analysis on our Knowledge Base.

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Billing Phone

2  "country": "US",
3  "is_voip": true,
4  "network_operator": "Verizon/1",
5  "number_type": "fixed"
KeyValue TypeDescription
A two-character ISO 3166-1 country code for the country associated with the billing phone number.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
The name of the original network operator associated with the billing phone number. This field does not reflect phone numbers that have been ported from the original operator to another, nor does it identify mobile virtual network operators.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
One of the following values: fixed or mobile. Additional values may be added in the future.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This is true if the billing phone number is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) number allocated by a regulator. It is false if the billing phone number is not a VoIP number allocated by a regulator. The key is only present when a valid billing phone number has been provided and we have data for it.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors


This object contains information about how a request was handled by the custom rules you have defined. If your account does not have any custom rules defined, then this object will not be present in the response.

Learn about custom rules and dispositions on our Knowledge Base.

2  "action": "accept",
3  "reason": "default",
4  "rule_label": "my_custom_rule"
KeyValue TypeDescription

This describes how the request was handled. The valid values are:

acceptThis is the default value that is used if none of your custom rules match the request.
testThis value can be used to test custom rules.

format: enum

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

This describes why the action was set to a particular value. The valid values are:

defaultNo custom rules matched the request.
custom_ruleA custom rule was applied and set the action.

format: enum

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
The custom rule that was triggered. If you do not have custom rules set up, the triggered custom rule does not have a label, or no custom rule was triggered, the field will not be included in the response.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Risk Score Reasons

This array contains risk score reason objects. Risk score reasons are usually only returned for medium to high risk transactions. If there were no significant changes to the risk score due to these reasons, then this array will not be present in the response.

 2  {
 3    "multiplier": 45,
 4    "reasons": [
 5      {
 6        "code": "ANONYMOUS_IP",
 7        "reason": "The Anonymous IP address raised the overall risk score"
 8      },
 9      {
10        "code": "IP_ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_VELOCITY",
11        "reason": "The number of distinct Issuer ID Numbers found in the velocity check on IP address raised the overall risk score"
12      }
13    ]
14  },
15  {
16    "multiplier": 1.8,
17    "reasons": [
18      {
19        "code": "TIME_OF_DAY",
20        "reason": "The local time of day of the request raised the overall risk score"
21      }
22    ]
23  },
24  {
25    "multiplier": 1.6,
26    "reasons": [
27      {
28        "code": "EMAIL_DOMAIN_NEW",
29        "reason": "The email domain being recently seen for the first time in the minFraud network raised the overall risk score"
30      }
31    ]
32  },
33  {
34    "multiplier": 0.34,
35    "reasons": [
36      {
37        "code": "PHONE_ACTIVITY",
38        "reason": "minFraud network activity of the phone number lowered the overall risk score"
39      }
40    ]
41  }
KeyValue TypeDescription
The factor by which the risk score is increased (if the value is greater than 1) or decreased (if the value is less than 1) for given risk reason(s). Multipliers greater than 1.5 and less than 0.66 are considered significant and lead to risk reason(s) being present.

min: 0.01, max: 100

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This array contains objects that describe one of the reasons for the multiplier.
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

A machine-readable code identifying the risk reason. Examples listed below. Although more codes may be added in the future, a list of current codes may be provided on request.


format: enum, max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

The human-readable description of the risk reason and its effect on the overall risk score.

ANONYMOUS_IPThe Anonymous IP address raised the overall risk score
COUNTRYThe country associated with the request lowered the overall risk score
ORG_DISTANCE_RISKThe risk of the ISP combined with the distance between the billing address and IP address location raised the overall risk score
minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors


This array contains warning objects detailing issues with the request that was sent such as invalid or unknown inputs. It is highly recommended that you check this array for issues when integrating the web service.

2  {
3    "code": "INPUT_INVALID",
4    "input_pointer": "/shipping/city",
5    "warning": "Encountered value at /shipping/city that does not meet the required constraints"
6  }
KeyValue TypeDescription

This value is a machine-readable code identifying the warning. Although more codes may be added in the future, the current codes are:

BILLING_CITY_NOT_FOUNDThe billing city could not be found in our database. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
BILLING_COUNTRY_MISSINGBilling address information was provided without providing a billing country. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
BILLING_COUNTRY_NOT_FOUNDThe billing country could not be found in our database. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
BILLING_POSTAL_NOT_FOUNDThe billing postal could not be found in our database. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
BILLING_REGION_NOT_FOUNDThe billing region could not be found in our database. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
EMAIL_ADDRESS_UNUSABLEThe email address entered is likely incorrect due to an integration issue. To avoid false positives, it has not been used in scoring. Check how you are passing your email address inputs.
INPUT_INVALIDThe value associated with the key does not meet the required constraints, e.g., “United States” in a field that requires a two-letter country code.
INPUT_UNKNOWNAn unknown key was encountered in the request body.
IP_ADDRESS_INVALIDThe IP address supplied is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
IP_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUNDThe IP address could not be geolocated.
IP_ADDRESS_RESERVEDThe IP address supplied is in a reserved network.
SHIPPING_CITY_NOT_FOUNDThe shipping city could not be found in our database. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
SHIPPING_COUNTRY_MISSINGShipping address information was provided without providing a shipping country. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
SHIPPING_COUNTRY_NOT_FOUNDThe shipping country could not be found in our database. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
SHIPPING_POSTAL_NOT_FOUNDThe shipping postal could not be found in our database. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.
SHIPPING_REGION_NOT_FOUNDThe shipping region could not be found in our database. This may impact our ability to provide accurate distance calculations.

max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
This field provides a human-readable explanation of the warning. The description may change at any time and should not be matched against.

max length: 255

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors
A JSON Pointer to the input field that the warning is associated with. For instance, if the warning was about the billing city, this would be /billing/city. If it was for the price in the second shopping cart item, it would be /shopping_cart/1/price

format: json pointer

minFraud Score minFraud Insights minFraud Factors

Example Response Bodies

Each service returns data as a JSON document. The document that is returned always consists of an object (aka map or hash). Below are full examples of the JSON body document for the minFraud Score, minFraud Insights, and minFraud Factors services, and a full example of the JSON body document for an error.

minFraud Score Body Example

 2  "disposition": {
 3    "action": "accept",
 4    "reason": "default",
 5    "rule_label": "my_custom_rule"
 6  },
 7  "funds_remaining": 25,
 8  "id": "5bc5d6c2-b2c8-40af-87f4-6d61af86b6ae",
 9  "ip_address": {
10    "risk": 0.01
11  },
12  "queries_remaining": 5000,
13  "risk_score": 0.01,
14  "warnings": [
15    {
16      "code": "INPUT_INVALID",
17      "input_pointer": "/shipping/city",
18      "warning": "Encountered value at /shipping/city that does not meet the required constraints"
19    }
20  ]

minFraud Insights Body Example

  2  "disposition": {
  3    "action": "accept",
  4    "reason": "default",
  5    "rule_label": "my_custom_rule"
  6  },
  7  "funds_remaining": 25,
  8  "id": "5bc5d6c2-b2c8-40af-87f4-6d61af86b6ae",
  9  "ip_address": {
 10    "risk": 0.01,
 11    "city": {
 12      "confidence": 25,
 13      "geoname_id": 54321,
 14      "names": {
 15        "de": "Los Angeles",
 16        "en": "Los Angeles",
 17        "es": "Los Ángeles",
 18        "fr": "Los Angeles",
 19        "ja": "ロサンゼルス市",
 20        "pt-BR": "Los Angeles",
 21        "ru": "Лос-Анджелес",
 22        "zh-CN": "洛杉矶"
 23      }
 24    },
 25    "continent": {
 26      "code": "NA",
 27      "geoname_id": 123456,
 28      "names": {
 29        "de": "Nordamerika",
 30        "en": "North America",
 31        "es": "América del Norte",
 32        "fr": "Amérique du Nord",
 33        "ja": "北アメリカ",
 34        "pt-BR": "América do Norte",
 35        "ru": "Северная Америка",
 36        "zh-CN": "北美洲"
 37      }
 38    },
 39    "country": {
 40      "confidence": 75,
 41      "geoname_id": 6252001,
 42      "is_in_european_union": true,
 43      "iso_code": "US",
 44      "names": {
 45        "de": "USA",
 46        "en": "United States",
 47        "es": "Estados Unidos",
 48        "fr": "États-Unis",
 49        "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 50        "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 51        "ru": "США",
 52        "zh-CN": "美国"
 53      }
 54    },
 55    "location": {
 56      "accuracy_radius": 20,
 57      "average_income": 50321,
 58      "latitude": 37.6293,
 59      "local_time": "2015-04-26T01:37:17-08:00",
 60      "longitude": -122.1163,
 61      "metro_code": 807,
 62      "population_density": 7122,
 63      "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles"
 64    },
 65    "postal": {
 66      "code": "90001",
 67      "confidence": 10
 68    },
 69    "registered_country": {
 70      "geoname_id": 6252001,
 71      "is_in_european_union": true,
 72      "iso_code": "US",
 73      "names": {
 74        "de": "USA",
 75        "en": "United States",
 76        "es": "Estados Unidos",
 77        "fr": "États-Unis",
 78        "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 79        "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 80        "ru": "США",
 81        "zh-CN": "美国"
 82      }
 83    },
 84    "represented_country": {
 85      "geoname_id": 6252001,
 86      "is_in_european_union": true,
 87      "iso_code": "US",
 88      "names": {
 89        "de": "USA",
 90        "en": "United States",
 91        "es": "Estados Unidos",
 92        "fr": "États-Unis",
 93        "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 94        "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 95        "ru": "США",
 96        "zh-CN": "美国"
 97      },
 98      "type": "military"
 99    },
100    "risk_reasons": [
101      {
102        "code": "ANONYMOUS_IP",
103        "reason": "The IP address belongs to an anonymous network. See /ip_address/traits for more details."
104      },
105      {
106        "code": "MINFRAUD_NETWORK_ACTIVITY",
107        "reason": "Suspicious activity has been seen on this IP address across minFraud customers."
108      }
109    ],
110    "subdivisions": [
111      {
112        "confidence": 50,
113        "geoname_id": 5332921,
114        "iso_code": "CA",
115        "names": {
116          "de": "Kalifornien",
117          "en": "California",
118          "es": "California",
119          "fr": "Californie",
120          "ja": "カリフォルニア",
121          "ru": "Калифорния",
122          "zh-CN": "加州"
123        }
124      }
125    ],
126    "traits": {
127      "autonomous_system_number": 1239,
128      "autonomous_system_organization": "Linkem IR WiMax Network",
129      "connection_type": "Cable/DSL",
130      "domain": "example.com",
131      "ip_address": "",
132      "is_anonymous": true,
133      "is_anonymous_proxy": true,
134      "is_anonymous_vpn": true,
135      "is_anycast": true,
136      "is_hosting_provider": true,
137      "is_public_proxy": true,
138      "is_residential_proxy": true,
139      "is_satellite_provider": true,
140      "is_tor_exit_node": true,
141      "isp": "Linkem spa",
142      "mobile_country_code": "310",
143      "mobile_network_code": "004",
144      "network": "",
145      "organization": "Linkem IR WiMax Network",
146      "static_ip_score": 1.5,
147      "user_count": 1,
148      "user_type": "traveler"
149    }
150  },
151  "queries_remaining": 5000,
152  "risk_score": 0.01,
153  "warnings": [
154    {
155      "code": "INPUT_INVALID",
156      "input_pointer": "/shipping/city",
157      "warning": "Encountered value at /shipping/city that does not meet the required constraints"
158    }
159  ],
160  "billing_address": {
161    "distance_to_ip_location": 100,
162    "is_in_ip_country": true,
163    "is_postal_in_city": true,
164    "latitude": 37.545,
165    "longitude": -122.421
166  },
167  "billing_phone": {
168    "country": "US",
169    "is_voip": true,
170    "network_operator": "Verizon/1",
171    "number_type": "fixed"
172  },
173  "credit_card": {
174    "brand": "Visa",
175    "country": "US",
176    "is_business": true,
177    "is_issued_in_billing_address_country": true,
178    "is_prepaid": true,
179    "is_virtual": true,
180    "issuer": {
181      "matches_provided_name": true,
182      "matches_provided_phone_number": true,
183      "name": "Bank of America",
184      "phone_number": "800-732-9194"
185    },
186    "type": "credit"
187  },
188  "device": {
189    "confidence": 99,
190    "id": "7835b099-d385-4e5b-969e-7df26181d73b",
191    "last_seen": "2016-06-08T14:16:38Z",
192    "local_time": "2018-01-02T10:40:11-08:00"
193  },
194  "email": {
195    "domain": {
196      "first_seen": "2015-01-20"
197    },
198    "first_seen": "2016-02-03",
199    "is_disposable": false,
200    "is_free": false,
201    "is_high_risk": true
202  },
203  "shipping_address": {
204    "distance_to_billing_address": 22,
205    "distance_to_ip_location": 15,
206    "is_high_risk": true,
207    "is_in_ip_country": true,
208    "is_postal_in_city": true,
209    "latitude": 37.632,
210    "longitude": -122.313
211  },
212  "shipping_phone": {
213    "country": "CA",
214    "is_voip": true,
215    "network_operator": "Telus Mobility-SVR/2",
216    "number_type": "mobile"
217  }

minFraud Factors Body Example

  2  "disposition": {
  3    "action": "accept",
  4    "reason": "default",
  5    "rule_label": "my_custom_rule"
  6  },
  7  "funds_remaining": 25,
  8  "id": "5bc5d6c2-b2c8-40af-87f4-6d61af86b6ae",
  9  "ip_address": {
 10    "risk": 0.01,
 11    "city": {
 12      "confidence": 25,
 13      "geoname_id": 54321,
 14      "names": {
 15        "de": "Los Angeles",
 16        "en": "Los Angeles",
 17        "es": "Los Ángeles",
 18        "fr": "Los Angeles",
 19        "ja": "ロサンゼルス市",
 20        "pt-BR": "Los Angeles",
 21        "ru": "Лос-Анджелес",
 22        "zh-CN": "洛杉矶"
 23      }
 24    },
 25    "continent": {
 26      "code": "NA",
 27      "geoname_id": 123456,
 28      "names": {
 29        "de": "Nordamerika",
 30        "en": "North America",
 31        "es": "América del Norte",
 32        "fr": "Amérique du Nord",
 33        "ja": "北アメリカ",
 34        "pt-BR": "América do Norte",
 35        "ru": "Северная Америка",
 36        "zh-CN": "北美洲"
 37      }
 38    },
 39    "country": {
 40      "confidence": 75,
 41      "geoname_id": 6252001,
 42      "is_in_european_union": true,
 43      "iso_code": "US",
 44      "names": {
 45        "de": "USA",
 46        "en": "United States",
 47        "es": "Estados Unidos",
 48        "fr": "États-Unis",
 49        "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 50        "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 51        "ru": "США",
 52        "zh-CN": "美国"
 53      }
 54    },
 55    "location": {
 56      "accuracy_radius": 20,
 57      "average_income": 50321,
 58      "latitude": 37.6293,
 59      "local_time": "2015-04-26T01:37:17-08:00",
 60      "longitude": -122.1163,
 61      "metro_code": 807,
 62      "population_density": 7122,
 63      "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles"
 64    },
 65    "postal": {
 66      "code": "90001",
 67      "confidence": 10
 68    },
 69    "registered_country": {
 70      "geoname_id": 6252001,
 71      "is_in_european_union": true,
 72      "iso_code": "US",
 73      "names": {
 74        "de": "USA",
 75        "en": "United States",
 76        "es": "Estados Unidos",
 77        "fr": "États-Unis",
 78        "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 79        "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 80        "ru": "США",
 81        "zh-CN": "美国"
 82      }
 83    },
 84    "represented_country": {
 85      "geoname_id": 6252001,
 86      "is_in_european_union": true,
 87      "iso_code": "US",
 88      "names": {
 89        "de": "USA",
 90        "en": "United States",
 91        "es": "Estados Unidos",
 92        "fr": "États-Unis",
 93        "ja": "アメリカ合衆国",
 94        "pt-BR": "Estados Unidos",
 95        "ru": "США",
 96        "zh-CN": "美国"
 97      },
 98      "type": "military"
 99    },
100    "risk_reasons": [
101  {
102    "multiplier": 45,
103    "reasons": [
104      {
105        "code": "ANONYMOUS_IP",
106        "reason": "The Anonymous IP address raised the overall risk score"
107      },
108      {
109        "code": "IP_ISSUER_ID_NUMBER_VELOCITY",
110        "reason": "The number of distinct Issuer ID Numbers found in the velocity check on IP address raised the overall risk score"
111      }
112    ]
113  },
114  {
115    "multiplier": 1.8,
116    "reasons": [
117      {
118        "code": "TIME_OF_DAY",
119        "reason": "The local time of day of the request raised the overall risk score"
120      }
121    ]
122  },
123  {
124    "multiplier": 1.6,
125    "reasons": [
126      {
127        "code": "EMAIL_DOMAIN_NEW",
128        "reason": "The email domain being recently seen for the first time in the minFraud network raised the overall risk score"
129      }
130    ]
131  },
132  {
133    "multiplier": 0.34,
134    "reasons": [
135      {
136        "code": "PHONE_ACTIVITY",
137        "reason": "minFraud network activity of the phone number lowered the overall risk score"
138      }
139    ]
140  }
141    ],
142    "subdivisions": [
143      {
144        "confidence": 50,
145        "geoname_id": 5332921,
146        "iso_code": "CA",
147        "names": {
148          "de": "Kalifornien",
149          "en": "California",
150          "es": "California",
151          "fr": "Californie",
152          "ja": "カリフォルニア",
153          "ru": "Калифорния",
154          "zh-CN": "加州"
155        }
156      }
157    ],
158    "traits": {
159      "autonomous_system_number": 1239,
160      "autonomous_system_organization": "Linkem IR WiMax Network",
161      "connection_type": "Cable/DSL",
162      "domain": "example.com",
163      "ip_address": "",
164      "is_anonymous": true,
165      "is_anonymous_proxy": true,
166      "is_anonymous_vpn": true,
167      "is_anycast": true,
168      "is_hosting_provider": true,
169      "is_public_proxy": true,
170      "is_residential_proxy": true,
171      "is_satellite_provider": true,
172      "is_tor_exit_node": true,
173      "isp": "Linkem spa",
174      "mobile_country_code": "310",
175      "mobile_network_code": "004",
176      "network": "",
177      "organization": "Linkem IR WiMax Network",
178      "static_ip_score": 1.5,
179      "user_count": 1,
180      "user_type": "traveler"
181    }
182  },
183  "queries_remaining": 5000,
184  "risk_score": 0.01,
185  "warnings": [
186    {
187      "code": "INPUT_INVALID",
188      "input_pointer": "/shipping/city",
189      "warning": "Encountered value at /shipping/city that does not meet the required constraints"
190    }
191  ],
192  "billing_address": {
193    "distance_to_ip_location": 100,
194    "is_in_ip_country": true,
195    "is_postal_in_city": true,
196    "latitude": 37.545,
197    "longitude": -122.421
198  },
199  "billing_phone": {
200    "country": "US",
201    "is_voip": true,
202    "network_operator": "Verizon/1",
203    "number_type": "fixed"
204  },
205  "credit_card": {
206    "brand": "Visa",
207    "country": "US",
208    "is_business": true,
209    "is_issued_in_billing_address_country": true,
210    "is_prepaid": true,
211    "is_virtual": true,
212    "issuer": {
213      "matches_provided_name": true,
214      "matches_provided_phone_number": true,
215      "name": "Bank of America",
216      "phone_number": "800-732-9194"
217    },
218    "type": "credit"
219  },
220  "device": {
221    "confidence": 99,
222    "id": "7835b099-d385-4e5b-969e-7df26181d73b",
223    "last_seen": "2016-06-08T14:16:38Z",
224    "local_time": "2018-01-02T10:40:11-08:00"
225  },
226  "email": {
227    "domain": {
228      "first_seen": "2015-01-20"
229    },
230    "first_seen": "2016-02-03",
231    "is_disposable": false,
232    "is_free": false,
233    "is_high_risk": true
234  },
235  "shipping_address": {
236    "distance_to_billing_address": 22,
237    "distance_to_ip_location": 15,
238    "is_high_risk": true,
239    "is_in_ip_country": true,
240    "is_postal_in_city": true,
241    "latitude": 37.632,
242    "longitude": -122.313
243  },
244  "shipping_phone": {
245    "country": "CA",
246    "is_voip": true,
247    "network_operator": "Telus Mobility-SVR/2",
248    "number_type": "mobile"
249  },
250  "risk_score_reasons": [
251    {
252      "multiplier": 45,
253      "reasons": [
254        {
255          "code": "ANONYMOUS_IP",
256          "reason": "Risk due to IP being an Anonymous IP"
257        }
258      ]
259    },
260    {
261      "multiplier": 1.8,
262      "reasons": [
263        {
264          "code": "TIME_OF_DAY",
265          "reason": "Risk due to local time of day"
266        }
267      ]
268    },
269    {
270      "multiplier": 1.6,
271      "reasons": [
272        {
273          "reason": "Riskiness of newly-sighted email domain",
274          "code": "EMAIL_DOMAIN_NEW"
275        }
276      ]
277    },
278    {
279      "multiplier": 0.34,
280      "reasons": [
281        {
282          "code": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_NEW",
283          "reason": "Riskiness of newly-sighted email address"
284        }
285      ]
286    }
287  ]

Error Body Example

3  "error": "You do not have sufficient funds to use this service."