GeoIP Exchange documentation


GeoIP Exchange is a platform for network operators to receive automated feedback about how MaxMind codes their networks. To learn more and join, please sign up on our website.

Download GeoIP Exchange geofeed report

If you are a current GeoIP Exchange user, you can automate downloads of the GeoIP Exchange geofeed report. In order to download the report from a script or program, please use the permalinks found on the GeoIP Exchange page on your account portal.

Please note that you will be redirected from these permalinks to the hostname

Download best practices

At a high level, the best practice is to write an automated script that periodically checks the last-modified header for the report’s build date, and downloads the resulting report when the last-modified time is later than the last-modified time of the latest local copy of the report.

It is good to check periodically throughout the day for a new report so that you do not rely on an update schedule, and so that you catch off-schedule reports.

Checking for the latest release date

You can check the date of the GeoIP Exchange geofeed report’s latest release by issuing a HEAD request for that report’s download permalink URL. The download permalink can be found in the GeoIP Exchange section of your account portal.

The basic steps are:

  1. In the “Report links” row for the geofeed, click “Get Permalinks”.
  2. Copy the permalink provided in the modal window.
  3. Provide your account ID and your license key using Basic Authentication to authenticate.
  4. If you are using wget or curl from a shell script, please be sure to quote the URL.

For example, you can issue a curl command like the following:


Or a wget command like the following:

1wget -S \
2--method HEAD \
4--password=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY \

Where YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID is a placeholder for your account ID and YOUR_LICENSE_KEY is a placeholder for your license key. Learn more about license keys on our knowledge base. Please note that the permalink copied from your account portal will replace YOUR_GEOFEED_ID with a unique ID for your geofeed and YOUR_REPORT_ID with an identifier for the kind of report you’re downloading.

In the response, you can check the last-modified header for the file’s build date. These checks can be incorporated into your own script or program, according to your needs.

Automating downloads

The steps for automating downloads of the report are similar to the steps for checking the latest release date. Instead of checking the file HEAD, you will download the file.

  1. In the “Report links” row for the geofeed, click “Get Permalinks”.
  2. Copy the permalink provided in the modal window.
  3. Provide your account ID and your license key using Basic Authentication to authenticate.
  4. If you are using wget or curl from a shell script, please be sure to quote the URL.

For example, you can issue a curl command like the following:


Or a wget command like the following:

1wget --user=YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID --password=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY ''

Where YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID is a placeholder for your account ID and YOUR_LICENSE_KEY is a placeholder for your license key. Learn more about license keys on our knowledge base. Please note that the permalink copied from your account portal will replace YOUR_GEOFEED_ID with a unique ID for your geofeed and YOUR_REPORT_ID with an identifier for the kind of report you’re downloading.

This will save the report to a file called YOUR_REPORT_ID.csv. For example, would download a file called geolocation.csv.