Testing GeoIP Web Services in the MaxMind Sandbox

MaxMind maintains a Sandbox environment so that you can do basic integration tests with the web services. In order to set up a Sandbox account you must already have a paid account, and you must be an account administrator. Learn how to set up a Sandbox account on our Knowledge Base.

Once you have your Sandbox account set up and activated, follow the steps below.

Generate a License Key for the Sandbox

In order to test the web services in the Sandbox environment, you will need to generate a license key from your Sandbox account. Learn how to generate a license key on our Knowledge Base.

The process is the same for your Sandbox account, but you must login to your Sandbox account [direct link, Sandbox account login required] rather than your regular MaxMind account.

Build your integration

Consult our quick start guide or our list of client APIs to develop your integration.

Point your integration to the Sandbox service endpoints

Use the service endpoints for the Sandbox version of the web services, as listed in the table below:

Sandbox ServiceHTTP MethodEndpoint
City PlusGEThttps://sandbox.maxmind.com/geoip/v2.1/city/{ip_address}

Remember to use the license key generated by your Sandbox account to authenticate your requests.

Test Data for the GeoIP Sandbox

The Sandbox will return geolocation and IP intelligence data, but this data is not accurate and should not be used to evaluate the efficacy of the minFraud scoring engine, or for geolocation or IP intelligence. It is designed for testing purposes only.

There are a limited number of IP addresses in the test database for the GeoIP web services on the Sandbox. The Sandbox versions of the GeoIP web services use special test data that is published to GitHub.

If you attempt to submit an IP address that doesn’t exist in the test data, you will receive an error stating that the IP address does not exist in our database.

The test data is displayed in JSON format, and would be the expected response for a query using the listed IP address. Learn more about working with our GeoIP test data on our Knowledge Base.

The Sandbox environment imposes volume limits on API requests to prevent abuse. The Sandbox should not be used to test the capacity of the production web service in high volume situations.

If you are running into the request limit and need help, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

Learn more about the MaxMind Sandbox

You can learn more about the MaxMind Sandbox on our Knowledge Base.