GeoIP2 Anonymous IP Databases
MaxMind’s GeoIP2 Anonymous IP CSV database helps protect your business by identifying proxy, VPN, hosting, and other anonymous IP addresses.
To learn more about the GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database, please visit the GeoIP2 Anonymous IP Database page. If you are interested in purchasing the database, please contact our Enterprise Business team for assistance.
Binary Database
Binary databases make use of the MaxMind DB file format. MaxMind provides official client APIs that are open source. We also provide a list of unsupported and unofficial client APIs and unsupported and unofficial integrations with various applications.
You can also use the mmdbinspect tool (in beta), a command line interface built with Go, to look up one or more IPs from one or more MMDB databases and receive output in a parsable JSON format.
CSV Database
In addition to our MaxMind DB binary format, we also offer GeoIP2 and GeoLite2 databases in a CSV format suitable for importing into a SQL database. The CSV files are shipped as a single zip file.The zip file itself is named GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP-CSV_{YYYYMMDD}.zip
The downloaded zip file contains a single directory which in turn
contains several files. That directory is named
The files in this zip archive are:
Filename | Description |
LICENSE.txt | End user license |
COPYRIGHT.txt | Copyright statement |
GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP-Blocks-IPv4.csv | CSV file containing data on IPv4 addresses |
GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP-Blocks-IPv6.csv | CSV file containing data on IPv6 addresses |
Blocks Files
There are two CSV files for network blocks, one each for IPv4 and IPv6 blocks.
These are named GeoIP2-Anonymous-IP-Blocks-IPv4.csv
Name | Type | Description |
network | IP network as a string | This is the IPv4 or IPv6 network in CIDR format such as “” or “2001:4b0::/80”. We offer a utility to convert this column to start/end IPs or start/end integers. See the conversion utility section for details. |
is_anonymous | boolean | 1 if the IP address belongs to any sort of anonymous network. Blank if not. Learn more about anonymizer and proxy detection on our Knowledge Base. |
is_anonymous_vpn | boolean | 1 if the IP address is registered to an anonymous VPN provider. Blank if not.
If a VPN provider does not register subnets under names associated with
them, we will likely only flag their IP ranges using the
is_hosting_provider flag.Learn more about VPNs on our Knowledge Base. |
is_hosting_provider | boolean | 1 if the IP address belongs to a hosting or VPN provider (see
description of is_anonymous_vpn flag). Blank if not.Learn more about hosting providers used for anonymizing on our Knowledge Base. |
is_public_proxy | boolean | 1 if the IP address belongs to a public proxy. Blank if not. Learn more about public proxies on our Knowledge Base. |
is_tor_exit_node | boolean | 1 if the IP address is a Tor exit node. Blank if not. Learn more about Tor exit nodes on our Knowledge Base. |
is_residential_proxy | boolean | 1 if the IP address is on a suspected anonymizing network and belongs
to a residential ISP. Blank if not. Learn more about residential proxies on our Knowledge Base. |
Conversion Utility
We’ve created a small utility program to allow you to convert a GeoIP2 CSV file’s representation of IP addresses to another format. You can choose between start/end IP addresses, with the addresses represented as strings or integers.
The program is available from our geoip2-csv-converter GitHub project releases tab.
Example Files
We maintain example files in CSV and MMDB format. The files contain dummy data rather than real GeoIP data.CSV Example Files
We maintain examples of the CSV files as they would be downloaded from the account portal:
MMDB Example Files
We maintain test MMDB files on GitHub:
Alternatively, you can view all of our MMDB test data on GitHub.
Database Sizes
MaxMind databases can vary in size from release to release. If you are working with file size limitations that are concerning, you should build your integrations to fail gracefully in event of a significant size change.
From August to October 2024, the database files varied in file size and number of networks as follows:
Database | CSV File Size | MMDB File Size | IPv4 Networks | IPv6 Networks |
GeoIP Anonymous IP | 4.31 MB - 4.75 MB | 2.69 MB - 2.87 MB | 149,000 - 161,000 | 23,000 - 28,000 |
The listed file sizes are for unpacked databases. Databases are downloaded in a compressed format.
Database Changes
We may add new data fields to the Anonymous IP database at any time.
New database fields are added as new columns to the right of existing columns in our CSV files, and as additional data in our MMDB files.
Subscribe to our GeoIP2 release notes to be notified when new data is added to our databases.